若槻 聡 (WAKATSUKI Satoshi) の ホームページ
若槻 聡 (わかつき さとし) (WAKATSUKI Satoshi)
金沢大学 理工学域 数物科学類 数学コース 教授
郵便宛先: 920-1192 石川県金沢市角間町 金沢大学数物科学系
Research Interests: 保型形式,保型表現,跡公式,新谷ゼータ関数,保型周期,四元数環,二次形式.
研究室: 自然科学5号館 482号室(数学管理棟 4階)
履歴と最近の講演 researchmap KAKEN
- Central limit theorem for Hecke eigenvalues (with H. Kim and T. Yamauchi), arXiv:2501.12704, 2025, submitted.
- Asymptotic behavior for twisted traces of self-dual and conjugate self-dual representations of GL_n (with Y. Takanashi), arXiv:2402.11945, 2024, submitted.
- Computations of algebraic modular forms associated with the definite quaternion algebra of discriminant 2 (with H. Ochiai and S. Yokoyama), arXiv:2312.15893, revised on June 4th 2024, submitted.
Here is the database of bases of spaces of algebraic modular forms.
- Non-vanishing theorems for prime twists of some modular L-functions (with M. Chida), arXiv:2310.19496, 2023, submitted.
- Explicit mean value theorems for toric periods and automorphic L-functions (with M. Suzuki, Appendix by authors and S. Yokoyama), arXiv:2103.04589, revised on June 5th 2024, submitted.
- Zeta functions and nonvanishing theorems for toric periods on GL_2 (with M. Suzuki), arXiv:2005.02017, revised on June 5th 2024, to appear in Tohoku Math. J.
- Distribution of Hecke eigenvalues for holomorphic Siegel modular forms (with H. Kim and T. Yamauchi), Acta Arithmetica 215 (2024), 161--177. link
- Equidistribution theorems for holomorphic Siegel cusp forms of general degree: the level aspect (with H. Kim and T. Yamauchi), Algebra Number Theory 18 (2024), 993--1038. arXiv link
- Mass formulas and Eisenstein congruences in higher rank (with K. Martin), J. Number Theory 257 (2024), 249--272. arXiv
- Distribution of toric periods of modular forms on definite quaternion algebras (with M. Suzuki and S. Yokoyama), Res. Number Theory 8 (2022), Article number: 90. arXiv link BEER
Here are some graphs for distributions of toric periods.
- Asymptotics for Hecke eigenvalues of automorphic forms on compact arithmetic quotients (with P. Ramacher), Adv. Math. 404 Part A (2022), 108372. arXiv link
- The Shintani double zeta functions (with H. Kim and M. Tsuzuki), Forum Mathematicum 34 (2022), 469--505. arXiv link
The published version includes an appendix in which we explained prior works.
- 保型形式の空間の次元について, 数学 第74巻 第3号 2022年7月, 280--300. 雑誌『数学』のページ
- 概均質ゼータ関数と保型周期, 2021年度表現論シンポジウム講演集. link
- コンパクトな算術商上のヘッケ固有値の漸近分布, 数理解析研究所講究録, 2103. link
- 軌道積分,表現の指標, 2013年度整数論サマースクール. file
- 階数2のシンプレクティック群に関するユニポテント軌道積分の係数について, 第58回代数学シンポジウム, 2013年. link
- カスプ形式の空間の次元についての法2の合同式, 数理解析研究所講究録, 1767. link
- 2元2次形式の空間に関するL関数とエンドスコピー,2012早稲田整数論研究集会.file
修士2年 久保南樹
修士1年 小林文哉、谷井宏伎、丸山幸輔
4年生 井上泰輔、歌野天飛、岡倉翼、澤井雄和
- Kazuki Oshita, Functional equations and gamma factors of local zeta functions for the metaplectic cover of SL_2 (with M. Tsuzuki), J. Number Theory 259 (2024), 57--81. arXiv link
- Chihiro Hiramoto, On the functional equations of the Shintani double zeta functions, Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli 70 (2022), 1--10. link
Last modified: 2025年3月22日